Are you excited about Mirror's Edge Catalyst? If you are interested in this upcoming reboot of the 2008 cult hit Mirror's Edge, and are a member of EA Access, you will be able to play a trial of the game on June 2nd. The catch is that you can only play the game for only 6 hours. Usually, EA Access trials are around 10 hours long. And while neither EA nor Dice has said how long the game will be, DICE has said the game's open-world city is ' huge'='' and='' explorable,='' unlike='' the='' more='' linear='' original.='' this='' is='' presumably='' done='' to='' prevent='' players='' from='' beating='' the='' game='' before='' its='' release='' date='' next=''>
Opprinnelig planlagt å komme ut i februar i år, Speilens kantkatalysator ble presset tilbake til 24. mai og ble senere presset tilbake til 7. juni. Det vil være tilgjengelig for Playstation 4, Xbox One og P.C. EA Access er bare tilgjengelig for Xbox One og P.C.